Due to the Coronavirus, many companies have allowed employees to work from home. While this new reality of working remotely may take some getting used to, below are a few tips that may help you effectively and productively work remotely.
Tip 1: Designate a workspace where you can work productively
Find a workspace in your home or apartment where you can set up your designated workspace. Whether it’s a quiet room, your kitchen table or chair, find a place that works best for you with little distractions. Try and find an area with good natural lighting. Make your space comfortable for working, however, it should feel separate from the rest of your home. If you have other family members or roommates at home, a separate room may be necessary to work effectively as well as boundaries to cut down distractions.
Tip 2: Decrease distractions
One of the biggest challenges of working remotely are distractions. Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it. While you are working, do not allow yourself to do non-work tasks. For example, don’t get distracted doing your dishes instead of working on projects for work. This emphasizes the need for a designated workspace where distractions will be minimized.
Tip 3: Create a To-do List
To-do lists can help you stay motivated, productive and organized when working from home. Create short and long term goals and make progress on them daily. It’s hard when working from home to stay motivated to be proactive, but to-do lists can help!
Tip 4: Get Dressed
Ok, this seems simple, but it’s important. When working from home, we are all tempted to stay in pajamas all day, however, you are less likely to be as productive. Getting dressed helps to put you in the right mindset to be focused on your work.
Hopefully these tips help you to increase your productivity while working from home. Please comment below to share with us and other tips you may have about working remotely.
Tags: COVID-19, distractions, produc, working from home, working remote