Same Day Translations participated in a research survey by CSA this past year. The study focused on analyzing a sample of 589 language service and technology providers through surveys. The first finding is that the market for language services and technology providers is continually growing. Why is this important? Let’s take a deeper look.
The Market Continues To Grow
Outsourced language services and technology sources have had continued growth for the past ten years and are projected to continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.23% worldwide, according to CSA.
Despite current economic struggles and other political or technological anxieties, the market for language services has continued to outperform the overall economy, due to the fact that language services are international and not only domestic markets.
Our language services at Same Day Translations are here to help you increase sales and business. Please let us help you by reaching out to [email protected] with any questions you may have about what we can do to help your business, especially during these tough times.
Tags: CSA Research, language industry growth, language providers