The corona virus has continued to impact people and economies all over the world. The World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic March 11, 2020. Since then, there have been many initiatives such as the 30-day ban on travel, at home quarantine, etc. that have helped to “flatten the curve”. The translation industry, like many other industries, have begun to experience the effects from the pandemic.
Recently, Same Day Translations participated in a COVID-19 Freelancer Linguists survey by CSA Research. They surveyed freelance linguists across the world to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their business.
From this data we see that freelance linguists income has for most respondents (56%) has decreased. Overall business has decreased drastically by 61% for most respondents. However, rates have continued to stay the same for most (74%).
During this time, we at Same Day Translations have been helping many companies with COVID-19 statements and instructions for them to send to their clients. Please let us know if we can help you and your business during this time. We would love to help!
Tags: COVID-19, freelancers, linguists